Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So yesterday i decided to put the rest of the music i had on cd's onto my iPod finally found my "louder Now" Album by Takinc Back Sunday and because of that decided to watch some of thier music videos on youtube when BAM! to my surprise, there at the bottom right hand corner of the screen it said that they would be in dublin 21 days from now.

Well, I almost wet myself with excitement... this is no Exaggeration i tell you!

i have honestly not slept for over 30 hours now because i am that excited...
so in my dillerium i went online, Broke ass Me, and booked 2 tickets. Leaving me with 3 euro in my bank account... but it really doesn't matter to me. 

Music matters to me. it's probably the only thing in life that has consistantly made me happy!  so i feel like if i gotta pay a few hundred euro to be happy... i will.

I'm so excited for my ticket to arrive!!  I may have a heart attack when it does!!