Although i have Probably failed Miserably at it, Whenever i write large paragraphs of whatever... i like to think i do it with some kind of grammatical finesse... if that's even something people say?!
Anyway... i hate reading things that are like the rednecks of the grammar society... I die a little inside when someone Uses then and than wrong... and although i know what they meant.. i just can't force my mind to read it they way they meant... i have to look away from the screen and repeat the sentence in my head the way it's supposed to sound...
or people using to and too wrong... it makes me go crazy... i mean i don't mind the odd little grammatical error.... but if you really really can't grasp this whole english thing... well... maybe you should limit your writing to txtn ur 4rends hu dnt mnd readin ur crap?! right?
another thing that drives me over the bend is... people writing "could / should/ would (etc) of" instead of could have.... Hello.... Does the phrase "could of" even make sense to you?
haha i'm just having me a little rant.. what's new right?!
I guess for all i know people read my blog and think the exact same about mine ( if anyone even reads it haha)
But at least mine are silly little rants and so on... i'm not trying to stir up any emotions or educate the world...
i just think that something intended for the purposes of information... should not sound like it was written by an uneducated teenager being paid to write their older siblings book report...
Whatever i guess haha
i just can't force my mind to read it they way they meant.........
ReplyDeletei know what you mean ;P