Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life has a funny way of Sneaking up on you... and being a little Biatch! lol

story of my life eh?
I'm so ridiculously indecisive that at soon as the oppertunity to make a rash decision comes along...*jump* i hop on it. Like some douche pissing me off... Bam christi's Dying to go home..... *christi gets time to think about it and have fun* dagnabbit!!! I do that though i force myself into making choices just so i can make them... When i can't choose between 2 things i do eenie meanie just to force a decision and then if i don't like "mo" i choose the other option... Which about 99 percent of the time.... Oh Christi!

Went to a basketball game tonight! BYU won :)
i didn't shout during the game though... Usually i get far too rude and obnoxious haha... Although i found myself repeatedly yellin"pass the ball! Bitches!?" in my head.... I guess it's good that it stayed in my head haha.

It was fun though.
I have come to the realization that i become obsessed with the smallest randomest things in songs. Eg in "cute without the E" you know the first time he says "i won't ever ask if you don't ever tell me" ? Well christi is in love with the way he says "you" just that first time... Although he can never do wrong by me. I've not so secretly been in love with him since i was like 17 lol.....
Oh welllllll.

Tonight is fir shizzle my rambling via blog night haha... I have been awake for 18 hours and still cannot get to sleep... It might possible have something to do with the coke i drank.. Just maybe.... But i think i'm immune to coke lol... Gimme some redbull maybe and it's a whole different story..... A scary one that don't end well (like the time i drank 7 of them and felt like death afterward.... Ended up waking up the next morning feeling more hungover than anyone else that was actually possibly drunk the night before..... Mmmm vanilla Rooibos tea and sunshine! Cured that right up :)

jeez..... I have far too much of nothing to say tonight. It's probably more me being selfish and rambling as some sort cathartic exercise... I guess that's all this ever really was right? Or at least that's why i started this like a year and something ago... So i can put down dumb thoughts but since it's online, not as dumb and nerdy as my journal.... I often read through my journal to remind myself that i could be and one was a bigger loooza than i am now lol. I am a freeeking rockstaa compared to how i was like... A few years ago... Eww!
Ok well this tiny keyboard has taken it's toll on my fingers and i think that 21 text pages worth of blog is enough for one night.... Especially since i gotta try send them in the right order now... Uh oh
good night. :D

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